
A book is a friend for life. The words stay with you, even when you put the book down.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Carol

I am babysitting today. As usual, the 7th graders don't have a substitute teacher, so I am watching them in the library. Unable to stand just watching them sit around and talk and causing trouble, I put in a movie.

This is the second time in two weeks. So we are watching A Christmas Carol. The George C. Scott version.

Amazingly, the kids seem to be entertained. Enough that they are not causing too much trouble. One commented that it is "scary"!

Perhaps everyone should watch A Christmas Carol during this season -- even better, read the Dickens novel!

In fact, people should know the history behind the novel's writing! How Dickens wrote it just to make money... Interesting irony, I think.

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