
A book is a friend for life. The words stay with you, even when you put the book down.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Hearing God

Another amazing weekend with the youth from the church. We took 8 young people (grade 6-12) to MidWinter. It was great to see so many kids devoted to Christ and to each other. And it made our own kids grow closer to each other. As one of them commented, "I didn't really know what you guys were like before!"

The best moment of the weekend for me was during the Nature Hike led by my husband.

During the nature walk, we were to be thinking of ways that God's love is expressed in nature. Especially how nature reflects the attributes of love expressed in 1 Cor 13. ("Love is patient, kind...") We explored the grounds of the camp, some places the kids had never been before. At the last stop on the hike, he took the kids to his favorite spot on the camp's grounds. It was a sheltered area under a huge tree. We all sat down in a circle, and got quiet. Then we all shut our eyes and listened for the sounds of God's creation. After a few moments, we talked about what we had heard. In those moments, we all felt closer to the Creator than we had for a long time!

If we are quiet, we are more likely to hear the voice of God. Sometimes I think we are so busy rushing through the day, we don't have time to listen to that still, small voice.

So many things make the camp experience worthwhile. Thank you, God, for moments of quiet to listen for You!

I'm a huge fan of the Clarice Bean series, as well as the TV show Charlie & Lola. The author, Lauren Child, has written several books, all of which are great for preteens who need a little humor and who are tired of Wimpy Kid.

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