
A book is a friend for life. The words stay with you, even when you put the book down.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Yes, for the past almost-9 years I have enjoyed answering to the name of "Mommy". It wasn't until just this week that I had an epiphany. My kids now call me "Mom" almost all the time. Hmmm.

And yet, today it became 100% evident that my kids still need their mommy. At church this morning, both kids sat beside me. My son (age 8) held onto my hand the whole time before church started, and put his head in my lap during the sermon. Yes, the kids were quite clingy today. More so than usual, I thought.

After commenting on this to my pastor, he made the observation that they just need their mom. See, I hadn't noticed that they were really being affected by my absenses I go back for my master's degree. This weekend, I have been gone to class Thursday evening, Friday evening, all day Saturday, and this afternoon! And the kids have noticed.

Yes, they still need me. It does this mommy's heart good. :)

Recommended Reading:
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

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