
A book is a friend for life. The words stay with you, even when you put the book down.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Doing the Right Thing

I enjoy working with kids. I think it's fascinating to watch them grow up into young adults, to watch the workings of their minds as they mature.

The hardest thing to instill in our children, I think, is the power to do the right thing. Sometimes, it seems we encourage them to make their own decisions based on what we (the adult world) want them to do. I'm always proud (and a little amazed) when kids stand up and do what's right. Without being pushed. But just because it's the right thing to do.

It's hard to be brave, no matter what age you are, to stand up for what you believe. I'm proud of all my students who wake up in the morning and come to school. It's not always easy to face the world, and it definitely isn't always easy to do the right thing.

But your efforts are appreciated. Your good deeds are seen. I am proud.

A book about doing the right thing, even if it's the hard thing: Virtuosity by Jessica Martinez

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