
A book is a friend for life. The words stay with you, even when you put the book down.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Weather Weary

I am growing weary of the weather. It is growing closer to Christmas, but all I am feeling is down. I'm blaming all of that on the weather. It is cold, grey, and dreary. Nothing but grey clouds, fog, and drizzle all the time. I miss the sunshine. I would welcome snow! Just no more of this ho-hum grey!

Forgive me for sounding whiny, but how can I possibly get into the Christmas spirit when the weather refuses to offer any cheer? I haven't even decorated at my house. I'd thought once that I might bring some cheerful Christmas decorations to the library, but I just feel too tired to do it. What's the point, when school will be out in a few days, anyway?

I'm understanding Scrooge these days. It must be this London-esque weather. Grey, grey, and more grey.

I really want to recommend a cheerful Christmas book. Really, I do. There are lots of wonderful, cheerful, joyful Christmas books. But I'm too weary. The grey weather has overwhelmed my ability to recommend something merry and bright. So, I'm going to go with a fav author, Jane Austen, and one of her less-well-known novels, Mansfield Park.

Hmm, imagine my surprise to discover they've made a movie of Mansfield Park, that I haven't seen. Let's just add to the grey gloom. Ba hum-bug.

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